HPN members with HUD Project-Based Section 8, 202, and 811 properties can still secure $40,000 to $80,000 per unit to improve their building operations and sustainability by applying to HUD’s Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP). The program funds property upgrades that lower energy costs and improve resiliency, and approximately $1.7 billion remains to be allocated before May 30, 2024.

We want to ensure that eligible members take advantage of this program and – with help from National Housing Trust (NHT) and Stewards of Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF) – created an outline of the three paths, including their scope, award size, and deadlines.

“We are very happy to have been among the first cohort of Leading Edge recipients for two properties: Hazel Hill (Fredericksburg, VA) and Kindlewood (Charlottesville, VA). The investments by HUD will directly fund electrification, energy-efficiency, and resilience upgrades – including allowing renewable energy to power both communities – that would not have been financially feasible in these properties otherwise.”

Danielle Arigoni Managing Director for Policy and Solutions, NHT

Three program cohorts offer varying levels of support based on where properties are in the retrofit process and the level of green intervention proposed. 1) The Elements cohort provides gap funding for green or resilience measures to properties already in recapitalization planning and financing. 2) The Leading-Edge cohort provides extensive funding to owners committed to achieving an eligible advanced green certification for properties with planned recapitalization transactions. 3) The Comprehensive cohort provides extensive funding for properties with the highest need for climate resilience and utility efficiency upgrades, as part of a standalone initiative or a larger recapitalization.

“The HUD GRRP is an opportunity that can’t be passed up, as it will help build the industry’s next set of best practices and will give participating housing providers invaluable cutting-edge expertise. Gaining this experience now will prepare your organization for future funding opportunities, as well as forthcoming mandates, like Building Performance Standards.”

Lauren Westmoreland Vice President, Energy & Sustainability, SAHF

Note: HUD published a revised notice for the GRRP in January 2024 with updates intended to make the program easier to use.

GRRP Funding Status

GRRP Program Cohort Focus of Project Scope Funding Limits Total Funding Remaining Funding Upcoming Application Dates
Elements Incorporate higher energy performing equipment in a planned recapitalization $40K/unit $750K/project ~$140M ~$114M​ After two award rounds March 28, 2024
Leading Edge Innovative, whole-building retrofits to meet advanced green certifications $60K/unit $10M/project ~$400M ~$297M​ After one award round Jan. 31, 2024​ April 30, 2024
Comprehensive Whole-building energy and resilience retrofits supported by comprehensive technical assistance $80K/unit $20M/project ~$1.47B ~$1.3B After one award round Feb. 28, 2024​ May 30, 2024

GRRP Resources:

See the GRRP Overview Factsheet.

Visit HUD’s GRRP FAQ page.

Visit HUD’s GRRP YouTube playlist to access recordings of their office hours and overview webinars for GRRP.

Visit National Housing Trust’s IRA Bootcamp page to view prior webinars on the topic and access the IRA Tool Kit.

Several HPN members were successful applicants in initial funding rounds! If you are interested in connecting with an HPN member who has been awarded GRRP funds, please reach out to [email protected].