
The Housing Partnership Network's members are industry leaders in affordable housing and community development. As members, organizations benefit from a range of connections and opportunities offered through the network:

  • Peer exchange, with virtual engagement all year long and two in-person member meetings each year
  • Collaboration with industry partners, including the International Housing Partnership and Strength Matters
  • Initiatives, products and social enterprises, including a member-owned insurance company and access to capital through HPN’s CDFI lending affiliate
  • Member-led governance, with a Board of Directors comprised entirely of leadership from HPN’s members
  • Responsive, enthusiastic HPN staff ready to collaborate with members on a range of efforts (ranging from climate resilience to housing counseling)

A High-Impact Network

Organizations interested in membership are carefully vetted by staff and a Board membership committee and must be approved by HPN's Board of Directors. Prospective members must meet criteria approved by the board, including a demonstrated commitment to shared values, a common set of characteristics, and alignment with the board’s membership growth strategy. If your organization is interested in exploring membership, please complete our Membership Inquiry and Eligibility Form.

HPN members view affordable housing as the foundation for strong communities and vibrant neighborhoods. To achieve their broad missions, member organizations operate a range of business lines and programs tailored to address the particular needs of the communities and regions they serve. These include:

  • Development of multi- and single-family homes, as well as the ownership and management of affordable rental properties
  • Regionally-based homeownership counseling programs that help to ensure that families are better prepared to rent, buy or retain their homes
  • Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) that finance housing, schools, day care centers, community facilities and small businesses
  • Resident services programs to support families, children, seniors and people with special needs

Membership Criteria

  • Mission-Driven: Independent nonprofit organizations, or those sponsored/owned by a nonprofit, or analogous organization, whose primary mission is to develop, preserve, operate, manage, and/or finance affordable housing and community facilities, and provide related support services to low-income families, seniors, and people with special needs
  • Sound Businesses: Enterprises with strong executive leadership, professional management staff and systems, and a demonstrated track record of financial integrity and performance.
  • Inclusive Partnerships: Established organizations with close ties to the diverse communities they serve, including community-based organizations, the business sector, government, and civic and private institutions that facilitate broad partnerships.
  • Critical Impact: Catalysts for affordable housing production, comprehensive community development, programs or finance that sponsor and implement critical initiatives with deep impact in their geographies and communities served.
  • Scope and Accountability: Operate on a citywide, regional, multi-state, or national basis with accountability to the community and civic leadership of the geographic area(s) they actively serve.
  • Culture of Collaboration: Entrepreneurial businesses with a history and commitment of collaborating with peers to improve current industry practices and pursue new opportunities.
  • Commitment to Racial Equity: Committed to furthering racial equity and racial justice in how they carry out their work, and in their approach to having diverse representation on their staff and Board.

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