HPN's unique network of mission-driven affordable housing developers, owners, and lenders sets our policy work apart. Our approach to public policy is driven by direct experience working in communities around the country. We have proven success using business savvy combined with both public and private resources to drive real change, and through that experience recognize the important role the federal government plays in establishing long-term solutions for our affordable housing and community development challenges. A Washington, DC based Policy team works with Congress and federal agencies to improve the effectiveness of housing and community development programs and ultimately the outcomes for our communities.
For more information or questions about the work HPN members are doing in your communities contact the HPN Policy Team at [email protected].
Current Policy Priorities
Everyone should be able to live in an affordable home in a community of their choice. As we have increasingly seen the nation’s housing stock outpaced by demand, we learned that where someone lives is a holistic matter with social, economic, and health implications. Housing Partnership Network (HPN) is a collaborative of mission-driven organizations who believe that housing is the foundation for a healthy community. HPN works across the spectrum of affordable housing needs from preventing homelessness to producing rental housing and providing for homeownership opportunities. We respond to community needs in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Realizing that physical housing is only one part of home, we are committed to creating thriving neighborhoods. To ensure that all people have a home they can afford, we believe that Congress can take the following actions to pass bipartisan legislation and strengthen proven programs.