Thank you for your attendance at the HPN Housing Counseling Meeting.  This site contains materials presented at our meeting as well as additional information to help address questions and support you in managing your programs.  If you would like us to post other materials, or if you have materials that you would like to share with your colleagues, please reach out to Micayla.  


HUD Materials

These are some quick links to HUD materials or information to help ensure that HUD counseling agencies meet requirements of the HUD program.

This includes document answers to questions on certification requirements related to education classes, the use of contractor support, what happens if an agency loses their certified counselors, and the Family Self Sufficiency Program.

Just released by HUD, this is the new guide from HUD on what should be included in agency work plans.  The updated HPN Template is also available.

Note: If HPN is your HUD Intermediary, and your agency’s disclosure does not have these required elements, or if you have any questions about your disclosure please reach out to us, so we can work with HUD to update your disclosure.

This document from HUD includes the required elements for both individual and class files. 

NeighborWorks Compass & Salesforce

Please visit the NeighborWorks Compass website and sign up for updates.


Salesforce Resources

Sign up for an account, it’s a developer account which does not expire as long as it’s used and gives the user a full version of Salesforce.

For more information on Salesforce as a CMS platform, please see their website and information for nonprofits.

Get Salesforce training via Trailhead:  Users should start with the Salesforce Platform Basics Module.


We are sharing the survey that Kelly went over during her session.  In addition, as a reminder, Housing counseling agencies receive the following partnership features:

  • No admin or set up fee      
  • Cost of online course is  $75 for Borrower and Co Borrower
  • Receive 80% of revenue share (80% of each $75 registration)
  • Custom URL
  • Cobranded landing page
  • Cobranded certificate of completion
  • Available in English and Spanish
  • Optional withhold certificate feature
  • Agencies can charge an additional fee for the 1:1 advising
  • Agency Managers have admin access back end system to pull reports, approve 1:1 session, download certificate and access client level data for 9902
  • Listed on Framework national search engine
  • Discount coupons are available

If you are not a Framework partner and would like to become a partner, or want a demo of the course, please email [email protected]   

Family Self-Sufficiency Program Resources

HUD Resources:  HUD’s FSS website provides basic information about the FSS program and links to HUD resources and information. 

Compass Working Capital Resources: 

  • FSS Link This online platform provides resources and tools for those running FSS programs.
  • Annual FSS National Conference Save the Date

If you have further questions, or would like more information, you can contact Sandra Suarez, Director of Special Projects at Compass Working Capital at [email protected]