Dee Walsh and Bob Zdenek

About the authors: 

Dee Walsh is an experienced housing and community development executive and author, skilled in nonprofit management, affordable housing development and finance, strategic planning and, program and capital development. Dee was the long-time Executive Director of REACH Community Development in Portland, Oregon, and has also held senior positions at Network for Oregon Affordable Housing and the Housing Partnership Network. Dee is currently EVP/COO of Mercy Housing Inc. She co-authored Navigating Community Development with Bob Zdenek. 

Robert "Bob" Zdenek DPA is a long-time community development leader and served as President of the National Congress for Community Development for 14 years. He is currently a Senior Advisor to the California Community Economic Development Association and the California Coalition for Rural Housing, as well as Interim Executive Director of San Joaquin Valley Housing Collaborative. Bob co-authored Navigating Community Development with Dee Walsh.