
Clark Ziegler

Executive Director


160 Federal St
Boston, MA 02110-0000

About Massachusetts Housing Partnership

The Massachusetts Housing Partnership (MHP) is a public, nonprofit organization that finances affordable rental housing and home ownership, provides community technical assistance, and helps shape state housing policy. Since its inception MHP has delivered more than $7 billion in below-market mortgage financing for development and preservation of 31,500 rental housing units and for first-time home purchases by more than 25,200 low- and moderate-income buyers, more than half of whom are households of color.

While MHP operates in most respects like a private nonprofit, and has 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS, we are a quasi-public agency of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts established by Chapter 405 of the Acts of 1985.

MHP was created to: (1) provide financing for affordable housing on better terms and/or with greater flexibility than available elsewhere; (2) pioneer new development and financing models that make more effective use of public resources, are responsive to local needs, and achieve more impact than conventional approaches to affordable housing; and, (3) foster civic leadership on affordable housing and break down local barriers to housing development through effective guidance, advocacy, research and technical support.

Our current work focuses on four main areas:

Community: MHP helps communities build affordable housing, having provided technical assistance to over 335 of the 351 communities in Massachusetts.

Rental Development: With private bank funds and other capital sources, MHP has provided financing for more than 31,500 rental housing units.

Homeownership: MHP's ONE Mortgage has helped over 25,200 low- and moderate-income families buy their first home.

Data and Policy: MHP's Center for Housing Data collects, interprets, and shares data to ensure that we meet our housing needs.

Housing Financial Counseling
