
Andrew Hawes



1512 Crums Lane, Suite 401
Louisville, KY 40216-3870

About The Housing Partnership, Inc.

Based in Louisville, KY, The Housing Partnership, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit real estate development organization that creates affordable housing opportunities to encourage family stability, support communities, revitalize neighborhoods, and empower local economy. Since its inception, HPI has served over 12,000 low-income individuals and families through public and private partnerships. HPI’s vision is to create communities in which affordable housing of choice is available for everyone.

At present, HPI serves over 1,500 individuals and families in its property managed single- and multi-family communities. Along with resident services, HPI offers a path to homeownership through its NeighborWorks America Homebuyer Education & Financial Counseling program that lowers the cost of entry for new homeowners through access to downpayment assistance and community mortgage lending. HPI, in partnership with state agencies and other nonprofits, also works to combat homelessness through affordable housing and homeownership among veterans and victims of domestic violence.

As an entrepreneurial nonprofit corporation, HPI maintains four main lines of business:

HPI Low-income and Historic Tax Credit Consulting preserves and creates multi-family housing in partnership with other nonprofits, developers, and government agencies.

HPI Single-Family Housing Production manages site development and oversees construction and rehabilitation of modestly priced homes in disinvested neighborhoods and in higher-income areas to promote mixed-income.

HPI Homebuyers Education & Financial Counseling Program assists residents in budgeting and home buying, foreclosure mitigation, and transitional housing for long-term homeownership.

HPI Asset & Property Management provides resident services to over 1,500 individuals and families in need of affordable housing.

The Housing Partnership, Inc. is a member of NeighborWorks® America and the Housing Partnership Network.

Housing Financial Counseling

Real Estate Development

Property Management

Resident Services